Pastor Norma Sinclair-Paul, Founder

Pastor Norma was raised within a strong Christian family but did not commit herself to the lord for many years. It was in 1990 when she became very ill and as so many would say "I've traveled deaths road", was when Norma Sinclair decided to surrender her life to the Lord, choosing life over death.

My surrendering to the Lord came with a strong calling which I could not understand. I found myself questioning the Lord, asking him,why me. I soon realized "thy will be done".

As I struggled to understand what was taking place in my life, the Lord was revealing himself clearly through visions and revelations which led me to start travelling. As I began travelling, the lord led me into various ministries to work alongside pastors; I started to win souls for his kingdom. I then realized the Lord was preparing me for what was about to come next.

As my vision became more and more clear, the Lord revealed to me that one day I would have a ministry, and it would be called Triumphant Ministries.This became a conviction in m spirit over the years.

In 1992, I was strongly led to attend a Christian Institution for theological Studies, and in 1994 I became a member of the Certified Evangelical Pastoral Counselors of America. After completionI returned to the U S A where I served as an assistance Pastor for two years. I then returned to my home church in Canada where I continue serving, while the name 'Triumphant Ministries' became a constant reminder as to what the Lord was saying.

I propose the name Triumphant Ministries to several people who were interested in ministry asking them to use the name, but no one would take on that name. It started to become a burden in my spirit.

In 2002 I was led to Edmonton, some place I had no desire to be. In obedience to the Holy Spirit and through seeking confirmation, I made the move. Rather than starting the ministry I started to attended a church thinking I could avoid my purpose for coming to Edmonton but the name would still remain in my spirit as a a constant reminder as to why the Lord had brought me here.

In 2006, with encouragement from my husband, close friends and acquaintances we started prayer meeting in my home. In 2007 we became an incorporated Ministry and move our meetings into a school gymnasium where we started regular Sunday worship. In the beginning of 2008 we moved to our now present location at 6720 82 Avenue.

Since starting this Ministry we have been blessed with faithful committed and dependable people, who are willing to serve the Lord. By God's grace and mercy, we continued to grow and triumphant. (Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ). II Corinthians 2 verse 14.


Ian Johnson, Assistant Pastor

Martin Thompson, Evangelist

Daphne Campbell, Evangelist

Elene (Pam) Ricketts, Deaconess

Nicole (Nikki) Dalrymple, Deaconess

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